06 mars 2009

Chinese... 华人讲汉语

So we stereotype... hua ren jiang hua yu... 

If you don't already know, I have failed my Chinese at A levels. Yes this post may seem like a rant but hear me out. 

So we trust in Bilingualism and we decide it through what ? ... our heritage ... our race. Really really absurd. 

I know i am in no position to say much, failing my Chinese. However I trust that my ability to converse, write and perhaps blog in English would be able to cover up for my flaws in Chinese. 

Apart from that there is nothing much to say apart from, I trust that I will do better next time. 

here is another poem which I wrote in response to a book which i am currently reading :Lolita

Dainty, Pure, Eyes

The look of innocence

Behind it all

A cruel, cruel heart.


Come out from the grave, you Vamp! You Tramp!

I will seek you.

The rotting waste beneath

The cold hard, hard cover.


Rain, a better than you,

The crow cries foul

The sky a blood red.


A blossom with


Let the Bitter Waves

Hit you.


Your tongue

Strained talk, lies


Awkward not knowing how to act.


Serpent bites.

Eagle flies, flies away, fear.


a poison.


Lo, Lo, Lo there passes the name

03 mars 2009

When in doubt...it is from Shakespeare...or the bible

Here is in the series of literature part 6 and 7 I'm afraid... 
Go on ... if you dare

The period of the 18th to 21st century and probably beyond, 
From Othello to Juliet and Hamlet
several quotations from Our beloved Maestro: Shakespeare: All the world's a stage and its men and women merely players, to thine self be true... 
To be or Not to be that is the question.. .

So, why do writers bother about old Will? off the top of my head ... to make them seem smarter

it is a sort of sacred text and confers a type of authority 
He has been ingrained into our psyche 

Intertextuality - Will and Modern writers 

A reworking of a message-the new author has his/her own agenda 
SHAKESPEAREAN sagas are these great compelling language fluous 

it all depends on our understanding of a prose and poetry

So if you read a work and it sounds TOO GOOD to be true... you probably know where it came from .... 

The rest is silence ..... 

Now onto the Bible - writers do quote scripture 

Genesis to Revelation in all its holiness is used by billions of authors (perhaps All)

The Apocolypse - a biblical parallel

perhaps a little can come from the bible 

These modern and post modern texts give the allusion to biblical sources to show a 

Christ figures ... 
a sort of resonance and meaningful beyond the literal word

It feels heavy but it sparkles with promise 

But is your reading going to truly be enhance if you read the bible ... erm ... not quite 
The stories of the bible NEVER grow old.

So this is my mindless ramblings of a noblemein a noble ranter courtesy of 
Prof Thomas C Foster 

not everything is from me of course ... Botti Thadaeus 

02 mars 2009

another poem

yes, for those following this blog this is another poem. 

the imagery is screaming !!!!


The green fairy


In the back the faint strings

Sound, Sparkle




A siren calling ships to disaster

A graveyard of infatuation.


The chemical bond.


Cyanide. Melts bones

Leaving behind a

Red, red


Heart, bone, flesh. Skin


Banners raised catch on the wind

White flags fly in the

Stale air. 


Cold, cold, cloud


Artist, paint a picture.

A portrait of Van Gogh


Three to the gut

One to the head.

Pleasant release






Without I cannot survive. Airs

Fourth of a month

She loves me, she loves me not.

Petals rot, wither away

Pale, pale, white.


The boots. Step into, onto a

Life of mine


Cur cur!


Paintings: dark, white, hate, Fate

Passion made.

Crave the laid open dead. Scarlet



i speak what i feel not what we ought to say