My world can never be perfect can it ? it is always disaster after disaster... I guess that is how we all scramble through life, awaiting the moments that are just seem so perfect. Ironically I am listening to a song called perfect. So why disaster after disaster. I have been living on this earth for about 18 years and a little more. The only thing that i can find perfection in is, well nothing. Not even in myself. For we all are totally imperfect... ERRARE HUMANUM EST! to err is human. Well To make it no longer an error, you just have to try your best. Try everything that you can to rescue the relationship rescue the poem and to rescue the other, and in the process you find a new you.
I have tried to never be false to people, but i am never appreciated for it. Rather the relationship is completely destroyed. Fine perhaps we are Asian and telling you your faults is perhaps making you lose face. But i have faults also, and i need you people to show me them. Not just keep it to yourself, What are friends for if their mouths are shut, if their eyes are closed and their ears no longer open. Then i might as well speak to my own reflection in the mirror, at least i am able to see myself, hear myself, and speak to myself. I have never agreed with many of the Asian principles that we all cling so tightly to. What are the Asian values ? conservative, to flatter and just what i think of it is that it is all superficial. Maybe that is why we are unable to cultivate the ideals of bohemia... perhaps this is what the government wants ... I really cannot tell. It is stupid that we are unwilling to say what we feel and keep it all inside. What is life worth living then?! If we keep it all in we are not able to change our land your life is WASTED! I never want to waste my own life away, the idea is just to keep moving, keep moving. Leave what you have behind, just keep walking forward, deeper and deeper no matter what happens to press on. Asian values are beginning to show the flaws. Like the beautiful vase with all the flowers but place in the water to keep the flowers alive it begins to seep out. It cannot keep the flowers alive and so they die. the more we keep our feelings inside and do not correct the wrong then we and the person will die, a meaningless existence. We often question what is our existence? STOP QUESTIONING AND DO SOMETHING then your existence is worth it all.
The bible says that we should take out the plank from our own eye before taking the speck out of your brother's eye. Well if you know there is a plank in your eye then take it out first. However if you don't even know you have a plank in your own eye how can you take it out? you need a friend to take it out for you. And where are those friends ? well they are the people that are willing to tell you your flaws, willing to tell you when you fall, willing to speak up when you have done wrong. Because Iron sharpens iron. With no conflict there can be no sharpening. The bible also says that if a man wins the whole world but loses his soul then what is it worth? I agree, even if you gain all the friends of the world, even if you have all the security you want, even if you have everything that you want... but you lose yourself in the process... then your life has been wasted. Life is to find about yourself, to find and perfect the imperfections and try try again all the time. We must always move move and move never keep still for then you will begin to fall back.
Life is about imperfections, life is not about the boring routine, again and again, the 9-5 job and repeat it the next day after day. What is life then ? to have no impact on the world to leave no mark behind ? There is No prize for being the most routine ... there is a prize however for being the extraordinary, being revolutionary, for being different when all are similar. That prize is what man craves for, immortality and thus you achieve perfection. Perfection is achieved by being honest to those you love even when it hurts, it is about climbing up and up pressing on and never giving up, it is about gritting your teeth when there is Pain and moving on stronger, never weaker. It is never about seeing past the bad and only looking at the good, it is about using the bad and the forlorn and turning it upside down to something unbelievably beautiful.
We all complain about our problems, but if we only say, there is no use if nothing is going to develop out of it. Life is all about risk, words are DEVILISHLY CHEAP. jump in whenever you can and let the wind direct you. Do your best, and then move on... move on move on. there is truth in not looking back. We all must take the little baby steps everyday and finally at the end we can look back at the journey that we have took, and then we will be judged according to the journey we all took, and whether we wasted our lives away or we just kept on keeping on in faith in love and truth. to believe, to love with all mind strength body and soul, and to tell the truth when needed and never just keep it to ourselves when we see another do wrong that needs correcting. As the bible says, show me your faith by your words and i will show you my faith by my works. So even the word says words=cheap. And faith is an action, an action of moving forward and to not give up when the world begins to crumble around you.
Back to the main point, when we make errors, we need a friend to correct us, we need that forceful action and that willingness to speak and to correct with gentleness and patience and love... correct me when i make wrong, I am not perfect, neither are you. The closer the friend the more painful the truth will be... be brave to move on. Be strong because we all can take it... really.