14 mars 2009

moi lolita

Désolé , this entire post will be in french and then followed in English. 

Je suis dans l'amour avec le lolita.... sérieusement. La raison pour laquelle j'emploie le français est parce que je l'apprends...lentement. J'essaye de pouvoir au moins faire une conversation courte vers la fin des vacances de marche... d'accord? 

I trust that you have no idea what I said, right ? good... we shall keep it that way. 

And my kingdom is being usurped

Argh !!! too many people, too many people in my room.

And My mother is being a pain, driving me insane with her thoughts on properness and neatness 


noise noise, hell it is irritating, soon soon i must get out of this hell hole. hmmm maybe that is why i cannot study at home. Yes my mother runs a tight shop here and is really dogmatic... yes there is no opposition, it is a dictatorship !!! 

heck, this is  just a short in the spur of the moment rant.  HEIL BOHEMIA !! 

13 mars 2009

The gods must be crazy

Why, why did i say that ? darn, the computer has got me. 

A ridiculous excuse. 

humph I don't care. 

ok then so here is another snippet at literature and a short really brief moment into my really mundane life. which i trust that your life is as mundane to because your looking at my blog sigh ....

GET A LIFE !!!!!!!!!!

now back to literature

yes you might be screaming : Its all Greek to me ! and yes in fact Myth has been around since, well god knows when. 

Myth is a body of stories that matters in each community, the have their own separate myths
and stories
Be it Germanic, Irish, American, European 


myth can be overt subject matter for poems and art (like duh....) 

So the question now is : Why would a 20th Century author draw on mythology ? 

Walcott reminds us of the parallel of the potential of greatness that resides in us, no matter how humble our worldly circumstances are 

Many writers have emulated Homer's Illiad 
Virgil patterns the Aeneas according to Homeric works

the parallels can often be ironised
writers use a large part of the body of a story as mythology. readers recognize it.
This recognition makes the story much much more meaningful 

Walcott's omeros means in local dialect,  -Homeric ....Naturally 

Now I trust that because of the lack of flow of the post you might actually have a desire for my murder. so... I don't care. (no not really)... (NO NO SERIOUSLY... i dont care )

so now onto life... 
I am bloody tired, sparred today with a bunch of friends, really shack and about to collapse, yet I am still here typing... (you really should be grateful) 

Must have sleep...zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. 

Apart from that, facebook has been growing onto me, it has become the starting link i click,  (hmmm i should control myself) anyway, this is my second post for today  so i guess you can already tell how bored I am. 

I should just slit my wrist and dance in my blood (sorry inside joke) 

JUMP FOR JOY : EXAMS ARE OVER ... A levels have just begun 

read the fine print... absolutely disgusting !!!!
Be still my beating heart. the rest is silence AHHHHHHH Shakespeare ! 

My inspiration: a tribute ! and Hey! a new poem.

Inspiration comes from the inside... or I would like to keep up that idea. 

or perhaps from events that happen, songs or just random stuff that creeps up your leg and bites you in the ass. 
Apart from that inspiration comes from above, somewhere up there so this post is a tribute to the people up there somewhere who have been the muses in my head : this poem is for you people. It is called 


Lady who sits by the banks

Your dainty feet play against the water

Playfully, across the water


Like willow branches your hair

Bowing to the river edge

Never tied up in a bundle

Free, loose

The red leaves swaying in the soft breeze of spring


I dare no approach you, the lady of love

Aphrodite, just a look, a peek

To embrace,

An Angel , a Goddess. Made in the perfection


Of heavenly splendor.  And you recite, whisper into my ear

Music, the food of love

Let the dew of your speech

quench this burning soul.


 Flowers, fall, float on the reflection of you

Water, send a message of which I will never speak

You sit there quietly, not far from me.

I sit on the wet fertile field



Like a cat I sit there purring of your presence

It soothes like a balm of oil on a bruise


In your little chess game

I am just a pawn never considered,

Never mentioned.  Silence is the language we speak.


The cotton frock you have on is the life of the grass

Demeter awakes, envious of you

For you, revive the spring.


I tread nearer amongst the green

And you move

Away, slowly

So I step carefully, carefully

Like a waltz we play in this dance of the morning.


The water reflects a million you’s as the blossoms tango across the water’s face.

I have seen your face


Amongst the nymphs and faeries, your voice, your laughter

A muse.

None as inspiring as you, O lady by the water.


My love is

but to the point of obsession

Humbert Humbert

His love, No not love

A lust for his Lolita, Disgusting bastard !


Not like him

I love, My love more pure, like the radient sun shinining in the sky

And like the cotton frock

Light and white

A pure innocent



Do not follow me

Please do not, but let long

Let flow

As the river grows and the wind doth blow in the willow

Let it go, go and make it free

The rest is silence.

Yes it is a bloody long poem compared to the rest which i have written but perhaps not as good ... yet ... (raises glass of stout) to those on HIGH !!! (gulps down stout- it really burns !!! ) wipes mouth , flicks it on to table. ( barbaric is'nt it) 

Anyway this post is for all inspiration that i have had and still have   

12 mars 2009

To understand to be understood... kind of ...

So i am sitting here in front of my computer typing this post ... no seriously it is not as exciting as you think it is. 

oh by the way i am still laughing at those people taking art,  sigh i guess it was just never meant to be. (I feel your pain... HAH NOT!!!!) 

Anyway, my exams are over... no really... they are gone. FINALLY... the sweet release. 


Ok apart from that i have something lit to post. 

Hanseldee and Greteldum 

Literature grows out of other Literature. 
Readers (i shall not insult you) are knowledgeable people.
Parallels and plot structure all can be found in (surprise) Kiddy Lit. 
Alice in Wonderland, Treasure Island, Narnia and the greatest of ALL !!! 

Hansel and Gretel !


yes.. ok follow me on this ... 2 people left in a plight, not trying to create fairy tales but instead to use details patterns to create texture and feel into the story
Fairy tales all belong to the BIG STORY !
It has been ingrained into our consciousness 
there is irony within every fairy tale 
we want strangers in our stones but at the same time we also desire familiarity 
This comes from texts that we already know - fairy tales. 

I know it is confusing... but trust me... i am as lost as you. 


11 mars 2009

yawns :O

I am sleepy sleepy... Really tired. 

one... more... day .... one ... day ... more...... to the end of it all.  (hmmm it rhymes)
argh bloody hell the computer is lagging on me.

anyway... onward onward... to a literature paper... the final lap...zzzzzzzzzzz... damn ! (drool all over keyboard) 

trying to stay awake

Ahhhhh... i will rest here ... come gentle day ...zzzzzzzzzzz