Currently I am feeling the weight of A levels, well it is coming in the next 2 weeks and of course it is kinda important, even though I want to be a florist :P which really kinda intrigued me, why do people need degrees ? yea i know it is for the sake of money and material and yada yada... but how about a PhD florist ? bet you never heard of that ! well i hope i become the first to do that , you may think it is really really stupid, but to me it makes perfect sense, i can write poems when I want to surrounded by greenery and at the same time beautify the rest of the world with flowers. It is kinda like a dual income thing, where money from poems and money from flowers. Yes of course i will charge people that i know at a lower price, not free but enough to make some profit at least. I don't think I will get a really expensive space, but big enough to walk about. Before being a florist I will try my hand at teaching :P I don't really know what i was thinking but i applied myself up for the teaching internship with MOE to teach primary school students for about a month. I guess, teaching them will definitely be more challenging as compared to JC students, i may be wrong, we shall see.
To be fair to the principal of the school that i am currently in I shall be more, objective, though i greatly desire to use certain words ... i shall prevent myself from doing so... I shall approach this tactfully. I believe that this matter has to be voiced not because i have a disdain for him but rather, i do wish that he had a tad bit more tact and skill in his speech and not constantly remind us that we are at the bottom end of the JC spectrum. Yes i know that we are there in the gutter, but to constantly be reminded about it rather than focus on where we can be is being slightly careless. Along with that, I can understand that he did make improvements to the school, and yes it is difficult to build up the school from where it has been but the way that he puts it out to us it is just ... i guess unpleasant toward me. Perhaps what is meat to one, another might find it repulsive. I was not at graduation day, but it has come to my hearing that he made several comments that were rather pushing the edge, and well, if one were to criticize his own staff, it ought to be in private rather than out loud on stage. Correction indoors, commendation make public. It has truly become a dread listening to the principal speak because you know that he is going to put us down, by repeating himself, about the few of us that will actually make it to the uni, so i guess if he is more tactful perhaps he could win the favour of more people, I mean there are those of us who feel that it is not really much about the things that he does, that really counts but more of what he says to us and as a leader, to put your people down... is really one way to count on losing them all eventually. So there i said my part, perhaps to you it may seem childish and immature to write this, especially on such a public platform, but I believe that i have given fair trial and that though he be right on certain things ... well, he just has to watch his mouth.
Anyway, I am currently working on 3 poems at the same time, editing and creating new stanzas crossing out old ones, replacing them with better ones (i hope). Apart from doing that, I have found a new poet to like, Keith Douglas. His poems are, beautiful. They convey meaning in such economy that it makes it all just seem perfect and just nice, not too over the top and not too subdued, just perfect. His poetry is all together stunning, it is a nice break from the confessional stuff I have been reading. Hopefully that will help me, having a great difficulty in composing poems now, it seems that my muse is feeling kinda moody with me, not giving her the stuff she needs i.e. sleep, good food, drink, and something else... :P
Ok my ranting must stop here ... oh and shout out to Mrs Kate, Miss Chew, Miss Woo, Miss Ong, Miss Toh, Mr Lim Teng, Mr Fong, Mrs Faye, and Mdm Jiang for teaching me and you all have been UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME... thanks for teaching us all though it sometimes be a ridiculously difficult task :D SHOUT OUT TO YOU ALL !!! :))))