26 mai 2009


I have been eating cake NONSTOP... i might just turn into a giant cheesecake. really FULL TANK... it is nearly impossible to narrate all that has passed through my mind today. It is just toooooooooo long, but i shall .... attempt to do the impossible. 

Well it all began at 10 am on 25th may .... to cut a long story short, our friend was coming. 
As such we decided to have lunch and wait for him to come. Which he toook till bout 9 odd to reach, and so it began... the constant eating, hor fun. Then we sat at Macs and chatted for a really long while. I guess this is the first year i have crossed sitting in Macdonalds. Anyway the first person to usher in my birthday is my beloved JIE !!!! and so i have turned 18... sap faat as we cantonese would say... really faat faat ... got alot of fook ok ! alot of prosperity and muchos muchos prosperity.

Anyway... following that i tried ... with great desperation to study for economics till 3am. which gave me only 3 hours of sleep which is what i am still powering on... and nearly killed me during the exam. The exam was easy but i was sleepy so it resulted in a near disaster... thankfully i brought in water, wash face drink... ok ! now i can do the paper... eyes were tearing...too tired and shack. 

so dragging my feet i managed to pull off a convincing show of liveliness at my class's celebration of my birthday which i ate cake and had many really MANY people whom i would never believe would wish me happy birthday did... REALLY THANK YOU ALLLLLLLL... YOU ALL ARE LOVELY PEOPLE !!!! 

After that ... Seoul garden... met up with my ex class really funny... bunch of people. they were brilliant and sang me the happy birthday thing again and again and again ! but it was really sweet and nice of them so THANK YOU AGAIN AND AGAIN AND AGAIN ! 

following that .... my lovely family celebration turned out into a full all out invasion of Mondo mio.... the entire extended family turned up. it was great I loved it i hope they did too and ate cake again ! (oh if my GP tutor saw the way i wrote this blog, the grammar that i use is DISGUSTING) and ironically my bro got me a book on grammar... can you believe it ... ! 

I wanted to upload photos but i realized that my photos are all in film... probably need to scan them in... sigh oh well today has been really really really really tiring... BUT I AM SOOOOO HAPPY !!!! so thank you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL THAT HAVE MADE THIS DAY SPECIAL FOR ME THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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