08 juin 2009

Renaissance ... a Revolution !!!! BOHEMIA !!!

This leads me on to the idea of a Bohemian Singapore. Not a reckless and haphazard type of Bohemian. But one that is willing to step out of the "norm" hmmm out of the Mainstream. Otherwise how will we define ourselves as Singaporean. I am not proposing a revolt or any violent revolution. But i ask for a renaissance, a new renaissance. Not one of cohesiveness but of individuality, each willing to express his art as he feels. Not to be constrained by money or circumstances but rather a people that will do art for art. For example the Village voice is an example of Art, a newspaper dedicated completely to arts. A printed paper of gigs, amateur and professional, ranging from the controversial to the orthodox. This can be done ! 

With the arts festival coming up, go to the theater go to the museums go and see and observe the art, see what is the move of art, shape it our way ! It is all about creativity, no limits, anything can be art, the more queer the better... Jackson Pollock... decided to break away from painting on a brush, rather drip paint from a stick. 

Ok fine we are "uniquely Singapore" whatever this phrase means... what is so unique about us... seriously. Think ponder please... what is so unique about Singapore. And no it is not because we are multi racial or multi culture, RUBBISH! it is as though other countries don't have other races. Oh and please don't even bother to mention Singlish, it has become so commonplace, and though it is our lingua franca it is... overhyped. So after all the stripping down, uniquely Singapore ? really ? unique ? or just so mainstream that we just become another city. 

Bohemianism is all about being inspired by the surroundings what you see what you hear all your senses, ALL of your senses and be UNAFRAID of performing your art. No permits, No limits. It is not buying a product that is bohemianism "oh i think this art will make me Bohemian" NO NO!!! i plead with you NO! it is doing art for art sake ! no matter how it is done, dance, drama, visual arts, anything anywhere, street, stage, alley. as Shakespeare put it ALL THE WORLD'S A STAGE! let Singapore be our muse and us the painters and the Bohemians that can shape this little red dot to be revolutionary, out of the norm, please even our beginnings are rather queer, so i guess it is already in our blood. so people please dont complain that the people are not ready please please it is not the people. a change only begins with like-minded people so contribute! and shape it ... otherwise other people will shape it for you. Dont loose your opportunity!!! 

Everyday is a good place to start, just let creativity start to flow, everyday, one poem, one sentence of a novel, one painting, or even spend a whole night doing a sculpture. no matter where you work or your occupation EVERYONE can be a bohemian. it is not what you wear that make you bohemian, it is the attitude of embracing new and finding your muse in everything. Not for the sake of consumerism but for the sake of Art. So i plead with you to rise and begin. Shape our arts scene and don't hold back, there is a lot of unexplored territory to cover. as Nike said... just do it !

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