20 mai 2009

recollections ... of a lost memory

well it is difficult to put into words. The feelings that i feel, sometimes i feel like an emotional wreck and other times like i just feel free and lighthearted. 

Well I have often refrained from this subject so ... da jie if you are reading this I have moved on. After 3 long years... I probably have found someone like you. Not exactly but close enough. After you had passed on, I remember being a complete Wreck. I know that if you were there, you probably would be there to cry with me. I remember nearly everyday the endless phone call, hah your mother was furious at you! And the calls could go on for hours I still remember the call that we lasted the whole night just talking and catching up. I don't know if you can still hear me but every day I just cant seem to forget. I guess you would ask me to move on with life, which i have, well at least i think so, I have found a new da jie. Well she does not want me to call her da jie so i just call her jie. Anyway, i trust you are happy wherever you are. I was a complete wreck when i was listening to a song. ah anyway.... it has indeed been too long and way way way long ago in the past. I doubt i will forget but i will try... what ever i can muster to move on i guess. 

Anyway, this post is for you, specially dedicated to you, I will remember you always, you will forever be my elder sis. 

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