27 juin 2009

no title

Another poem that i have decided to scribble down, in a really down state, a pit of my madness. I think i have been bi-polar for a really long time ... I know ... i know ... dont say anything ... I just want you here with me. 

Incest, the virtuous relationship, between the 
animal, bestial and horrid, be it 
male or female, all is coarse.

And so she stands over me, my sister 
the one that i watched so often grow up. And now she

like a bear and rips 
off the styrofoam packaging.
The white snow, covers the room 
patches of the hell i am living. 

Livid her body, thrown onto mine 
as if She were the victim and I, I 
the murder. 

Obscene as she drags my hands to her collar 

Bones, i am lost. 

My body looses control to her and there is little 
I can do 
unable to resist the
beauty before me.

A lolita, 
as a sulfurous pit, that I am engulfed in, 
the scent so pungent and yet romantic as death. 

The sickly flowers of my heart blooms 
ecstasy as I am brought to an astral plane. 

Thebans of fools and Athens of the wise

I belong no where, Only in tartarus 
or even swim in the lake of Lethe, floating in the murky 
waters of sin.

I have the tasted the fusion of the flesh 
I have already seen it, countless this is where
I peek into the window of the night. 

And she looks up
My face framed by the grilles

And she dips lower coming closer and 
closer, I am still there and I have no recollection 
of all memory.

But the accusers 
mock and the chair throws me off 
the lights flicker as

I enter and the bed a pit 
of needles, 

The pen i write these Blasphemous words.
My suicide note. My pen 

My pen.

A point at the end and ink flowing 
and writing on her body.
Om her body, forging and exploding

Expanding her mouth of opening 
the liqueur flows and they dictate the words


but nay I am the innocent
:the victim! 

It is YOU reader, You ... 
you you, my sister, fucking the 


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