19 août 2009

it is midnight already ?

Yea Surprise !!! it is 1232 in the morning and i am still up. Well I have been up all the time around this unbelievable hour. I have been alive at this unearthly hours nearly everyday... and why ??? because of ... EDUCATION ! hah... i dont intend to slime education because it has been a help to me though it does make hell but it gives us someone or something to hate. 

just killed a cockroach in my room... of course we all have to think of ways to do things so the most optimum... soap spray, newspaper and of course my favorite... while the bugger is struggling through the soap, as it irritates the bugger... put a tissue over him and light it up! woot...flambe :D guarantee that it will be one very dead cockroach :P 

I guess living near the rubbish dump has its liabilities... killing them not fun... cos you begin to wonder ... what if i sleep........ eurgh... it is not the fear it is more to the ... yucks ! smash ! spray... and burn baby burn :D 

hah anyway i have been having a dreadful spree of inspiration that i intend to break... the darkness and the inspiration that have has been bred on the ill of humanity... sigh it inspires me and brings my poetry to a great height but sometimes it gets annoying to be depressed all the time .... therefore I shall think of how to change my inspiration. Even now i am still feeding the dark poems... my inspiration is from Lilith now... IT IS ANNOYING!

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