10 août 2009

just read the last paragraph .

there comes a point in time where people are just extras in the world. And you are just thrown into the limelight, and you really hate it at times. Yea this sounds like another emo rant. Please bear with it... 

So what am i about to talk about ?... hmmm  how about what human life is. 

Like what shakespeare had said, all the worlds a stage and all the men and women merely actors they have their entrances and exits and in their life they play many parts. really ? I doubt. That is too idealized a view... men and women are what they are from the very day they were born, they create their own entrances and exits, and in life you can sometimes search for that one thing for the rest of your life. People create their own future (like you needed to be told). But what we do, everyday affects us, it imprints us with future choices. It is only a repetitive cycle all of it, education, work, day in day out... They call this preparing for retirement... REALLY WAKE UP! what is working all day going to bring you ? there needs to be spice in your life, doing things that the world would find absurd and ridiculous, doing things that are just totally not productive like reading books such as the communist manifesto or perhaps reciting random verses of Geoffery chaucer in middle english. Like painting a mural or writing emotional poetry. But no, we would rather rest at a pub, entertaining friends and drinking, or perhaps read how we should manage our time. Hanging out with friends talking out stuff is dead important to me, don't get me wrong but sometimes they just get in the way of things you want to do. 

I am being called self centered that i desire the world to be what I want it to be ... which is not wrong, what is wrong about a world that I would love everyone to be what i want them to be. I have ideals you have ideals too, just don't impose them on others. Judgement is highly important, without judgement everything will be in chaos, we are all bred with a different sense of judgement some more liberal than others but all with the same innate value system (i mean most sane people).

Really people need to kick back, we are just at times so busy at doing things that we forget who we are and lose our center. Like the bible said, what is the use of gaining the whole world and lose our soul? (paraphrased). There needs to be time where you can just kick back and relax, just be human again and do something crazy! life is not worth it to be wasted, yea our choices affect our future, i dont mean go streaking in public or something really really out of the bounds nor does it mean sit back on your couch to watch tele (though trying to finish the entire series of friends the entire day is considered crazy). what i mean is to Stretch the bounds of society, perhaps wear weird clothing to go shopping, perhaps eat turkish food, make unleavened bread from scratch, learn and use latin for the entire day. It is up to you. So this is the message i am promoting, to do something Crazy everyday. Ya maybe sometimes i am a hypocrite cos i am quite conservative at times. So relax people... life is more than 9-5... more than shopping and feeding consumerism... it is more than sitting in front of the computer blogging hahaaha!!!! it is all about IMMORTALITY  and HAVING FUN ! immortality in leaving a part of yourself behind, for the world to remember you by. Having fun in a really wicked way! 

Right... i have stopped ranting... 

now onto something that i believe people want to read... I believe that my poetry is often confusing or perhaps it is too complex... but in all actuality... it is rather simple. Firstly, question the way you read the poem, my advise... to really understand it read it out loud. follow the punctuation and it may make more sense than on paper. next, the poems often are quite depressing and mostly confessional, I was going through a difficult time... so here is the context in which i was writing : I was going through my stuff on my table, and trying to pack it and because it is really messy- reason for the really incoherent sentences. I had a argument with a friend and therefore i decided to use death to symbolize the silence between us both and the killing a part of me inside. Also because of this i have regarded things as useless, and not worthy, as a means of expressing how much this friendship means to me and what is happening to me internally. Most of my poetry follows a modernist stylistic, difficult to follow and hardly making sense. Currently i am trying to create a new form of poetry that is different from others so it may make the poems more confusing and more absurd... most are experiments. So i greatly require CRITICISM ! PLEASE I BEG OF YOU JUST SAY WHAT YOU FEEL TO ME ABOUT WHAT I WRITE... and don't flatter me... if you hate it just say (i may not listen to you though haha!) BUT SERIOUSLY COMMENT ON MY POETRY BECAUSE I NEED THE CRITICISM. NOT FOR POPULARITY BUT WAYS TO IMPROVE AS WELL BECAUSE IT IS AN EXPERIMENT OF POETIC FORMS. 

if you bothered to read through i thank you :D    

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