13 août 2009

imagine a better world

there are just sometimes that we need to sit back and contemplate. To not care what the rest of the world thinks even though you very well know what they are about to say. And sometimes the world is just totally absurd. Like today i was stopped at the gate of the school just because i decided that i would wear PE uniform to school rather than that piece of crap (polo tee) because it is bloody warm and it just is not practical to wear the polo tee. But thank you... they had to tell us to get out , and even come up with rationale why we should go away. As if that was not enough they had to remind us of what they said and of course lie about the claim that this has always been their stand. WHAT THE HELL!!! I have always worn that for a study leave to return to school. IT IS ABSURD! TOTALLY ABSURD! there is NO RATIONALE behind it. erm excuse me if it was for SECURITY reasons as you blatantly claim is it not obvious that it bears the school badge. Oh wait maybe it is too small... maybe because it is smaller than that of the polo tee. Oh wait i know, maybe you ARE BLOODY ANAL! bloody hell... as if that was not enough, they had to complain against wearing shoes, flats. SERIOUSLY WHAT ON EARTH!!!! what is wrong about wearing proper dress shoes?! hmmm maybe because it actually goes with a SHIRT AND PANTS ?! if you gibbering clowns did not realize ... shirt and pants goes with shoes... SHOES !!! ordinary shoes I BELIEVE THAT THE SCHOOL RULES HAS NO RULE AGAINST THAT !!! it is only against brightly coloured shoes . apparently dress shoes come in black and Brown which... if you did not study art i will tell you that it is a DULL colour... bloody ass holes ! Wait so if i had come naked top you would have allowed me into school? cos i believe that i am wearing school pants... and there is no rule against coming in naked top... WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO ?! there is no rationale and there is no proper reasoning, even if has been mentioned... it DOES NOT MAKE SENSE ! is this is the Singaporean society > ... TOTALLY INFLEXIBLE.... is this our civil service ?! and we call ourselves SRJCians with character imagination and values... well there is no value in being anal is there... nor can you have imagination if you are so bloody inflexible... wait and character... hell with it ... A levels matter more. the world wants to see paper not people. So this is a message to the ultra ANAL and totally inflexible discipline committe if you see this... BLOODY GO CLIMB A TREE...maybe the falling might knock some sense into you!!!

Now ...onto less annoying stuff... :D

Poetry... I have really thought this poem through... If i am not wrong i thought these 2 poems over the 10th of august and 12th of august

Lenses the eyes do not see
clearly clear
the icy waters off the
cold Artic

Enterprises of the mind
they all are useless
working the cogs

and gears
this mad meandering world
weakness and majestic

Operationally dysfunctional
closure and my mind is only a blank

sheets of paper notes and pamphlets dropped from the
humming sounds

bombs drop from the blue
turning the scene white.

Ash Ash my skin is melted
torn away. made asunder
the white napalm. holes bored into by
gaping body.

A green A red.
Dies irae Dies illa
Washington at the helm

paint of my flesh
masquerading dances
that don't make sense

All blurred a conflagration
don't wake the sleeping dogs
they are boxed up. lined up

proper and neat
covered with paper
fires and smoke
dampen the green with rain.

My tomorrows are wasted
a drunk soliloquy
a band of musicians

The music abhors me

Poppies fall from the autumn
opium smokes
all static in their place

All centered.

So what is this poem about... (i decided to write this because so many people are so confused...) So this poem is about the modern world, the follies of man, and at the helm is USA. Yea it is kinda a blame game. But man has become a blank paper just going through life. purposeless and just going on and on. delving further into a robotic nature. that everything that we do apparently for pleasure is just a smoke screen, an opium that numbs the pain of the modern world. but everyday seems like a waste where we just dance to the tune of society. And we are unable to see clearly now because all we have is work work work... and it blinds us to simpler things and we may not even know the day of reckoning is at hand because we are busy, drunk, with the self and what the self can achieve through work. I hope it helps...

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