21 février 2010


This poem is kinda in reaction to the haiti earthquake that was a terrible disaster...


Hate, the plosive sound of the word
makes me spit.
The undeniable fact that human kind is
built on a single syllabic foundation.

We hate our jobs, the 9-5
mundane routine, hate mondays
going back to school, hate tuesday, the
blues, and all other days of the week we just hate.
We hate our friends, hate the obnoxious neighbour beside our door,
we hate eating, drinking, living on the edge of life,
We hate every waking moment of day,
hating and detesting even the day we were born.
We hate the multitude of knowledge,
we hate the endless television shows that appear on the glass screen
believing in illusions unseen
we hate being fooled, and yet we do it deliberately.
Hate hate hate, the colour of skin, the eyes that we wear,
the mouth that speaks so foolishly
we hate the nose, the breast, the nip and tuck surgery
we had last week.
Yes, I hated it, looking at the mirror,
a plastic concoction.
We hate slowing down, speeding up,
always a criticism always another smart ass that has another thing to say
again and again, the endless cycle of life
hating spring summer autumn winter,
hating the day and night
the first Creation in sight is appalling and detestable.
We hate the blacks, the whites, the yellow and red skinned people.
We hate the Neo Nazi's and the Witches, we hate the
religious clergy and the Pontif.
We hate the Capitol, from Washington to Obama, we hate
Guantanamo Bay, we hate Iraqi's
We hate terrorists, and now Muslims (somehow they are intrinsically connected)
We hate and hate, Twilight, we hate legendary authors,
We hate America, Europe and Asia, we hate the MNC's and the taxi drivers
we hate trade unions, and capitalism and communism, and every -ism there is we hate.
We hate unity, we hate division,
We are always trying to be unique and individual
and yet we share one thing in common,

What is hate? when your house is blown down by the wind,
when the days have come where there is no shelter overhead,
when the earth shakes and rocks till you have woken up
when the neighbour's dogs start barking
when the waves start rising
when the people start crying
when the father's mother's sisters brothers lay there dying
on the island shore
when trees lay dead on the road
when pavements are strewn with debris
when the hospitals, markets, and everything is reduced to a ground zero.
when the houses collapsed like in 9/11
when my hotel crumbles as I pen this note.

what is hate to me now?

A four lettered, single syllable word
on page 334 of my dictionary.

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