Life in a bottle was green and sort of round.
Everything had a curved surface, there were no corners
like the Blue globe sitting on my desk,
spinning round and round, Never ending.
The eternal spiral of the earth,
like an embryo curled up in the womb.
Eternally alive, eternally dead,
drowning in the green placenta and water.
Like a ship in a bottle,
trapped inside. Waiting to be
released upon the world, waiting for my adventure.
Waiting in a sickly green light
without colour.
Without Black and White
without Orange sunrises,
without Crimson sunsets,
without Blue skies, dabbed with White albatross overhead,
fighting over fishes of Silver thrown back from
the Black nets of the fishermen
dressed in Yellow hats and Brown aprons.
Without Corners,
Without Oblong shapes,
where works of Lines exist.
But sitting there all i can see is
round and round and round and round
like the carousel of human existence:
nine to five office work,
taking the subway to work,
staying up late nights checking emails for work,
preparing for meetings at work,
"I cannot stay, I have work "
"No sex tonight, I'm tired from work", working
with our green tinted glasses, we work to make money.
Green money, with pictures of little green men,
and numbers so we can count them when we play Monopoly.
Green money,
green the eye of envy and crime,
green the subway line that takes me from Wall street back home everyday.
Green suits and ties that we put on
for board meetings to
earn more of that
green paper to put on our
green paper masks that we wear to work.
Green how detestable! How Obscene!
I will stand it no longer!
I want to break this bottle!
Smash the windows at Wall street!
Smash the glass of the Temple of trade!
Smash the heart of Capitalism, and Communism, and every other -ism!
Smash the Cash Register!
Smash the Banks that are going bankrupt anyway!
Smash the computer with on-line banking, crediting and debiting
on my screen in tiny words of green green green.
Smash the NASDAQ!
Smash the Dow!
Smash the Federal Reserve!
Smash it all NOW!
Yet I am trapped in this bottle ruled by the Green Monarch,
with hands, eyes and feet (like Big Brother) so real, they could catch
and place you behind bars
black and white!
Black and White.
Pen in Black and White on this paper,
bright as the eye of day,
the eye that stares down the bottle
and consumes me in its gaze.
There I lay, there! Naked and bald, arms stretched out like a Raven,
ready for flight.
And my first flight is into loves outstretched arms
and to rest in her bosom, like a young sweet babe in her mother's arms.
To dream of colour and
dream of rhyme and
dream of everything divine.
"Rest now my love, rest"
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