30 août 2009

Philosophy ?

I have several thoughts that i have gained over the years that I have been a human being. 

God, perhaps the most pertinent of issues that man has struggled with, Nitzche had called Gott ist tot ! and of course the most recent... essence before existence. Well... I would like to propose a more religious view. As many have claimed that God is non existent and that we all should believe in the empirical evidence of the new found sciences. I absolutely Abhor such a thing. Personally being a religious person for most of my life, even I have questioned the existence of God. I hav always wondered if God was a feeling or perhaps just a state of mind that we all can get into and out of as we please. That perhaps it is something that we all can just attain and it is a state of heightened awareness. Well I have begun to doubt that idea.. God exists, However it is up to the person that how "big" is his God ... we can close up God completely and of course he would not exist to us, some of us may open up to God so much that it is so real to our everyday. How God is to you is how you see your God. What he is to you is what you see him as ... like if you see him as an evil, if you see him as a provider, if you see him as a dictator. Whatever you see your God as that is what he will be to you.  

Now onto the social strata. They say happy are the poor... sigh another invention of the rich, Well i stole that. And i realized it is true ! that the rich invent stuff to make them remain rich and keep the poor poor... And all talk with no action all the time. This is especially typical of modern society. it is ABSURD! ... I think i will finish this another day ... :D 

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