03 septembre 2009

3 more to hit a hundred...

yea 3 more posts to reach a hundred ... and you must be wondering why i blog nearly 3 times a day... well it is somewhat like medication to me, take three times a day, may cause drowsiness and also in the event that it causes rashes please consult your doctor immediately. :D heehee ...

Just a brief update, on the amazing saga... I have been suffering from worrisome syndrome, where there is really nothing for me to do except worry and do nothing about it. Well it is said that worry not but in everything by prayer and supplication... well i just cant. yea maybe i say a prayer but it does not really stop me from me from worrying. Anyway, this is how it continues, the lady tells me that i have to fax over some stuff which i need to give to them because they need to verify or something that I went for the checkup... Well the BEST thing ... is that i was seen by the nurse that day and so the nurse did not sign the form that required signing cos she said that it is supposed to only be signed by the doc in charge... however that day i could not see the doc cos he is only seen via appointments ... which ...really really does not help me in anyway possible... ARGH ... along with that it is only about 60+ days LEFT TO A LEVELS! And not as though my prelims were really great. So i am worried and really really really crushed and pressured to one side already... It is like being run over by a steam roller. Not fun. 

Anyway... there are other things to be quite pleased about. :D such as having a good friend to help me get polaroid film and be willing to go all out to search for all these stuff that i don't really have time to search for so THANK YOU :D for helping me find cheap polaroid film, well it ain't that cheap, it is about 24 bucks which is about 2.40 per piece. which makes it 60 c cheaper than the usual that i pay. AWESOME ! Along with that ... there is my ukulele which i have bought quite a few weeks ago and it is ROCKING !! beginning to love it more than my guitar even though it costs about 10 times less... 800 buck guit compared to a 80 plus ukulele... you may think it is a waste. yea it kinda is ... that i did not find the ukulele earlier. ah nothing is ever fair, except in love and war... where all is fair. whether you live or die, whether you get her or you don't it is all fair. or so we would like to believe. 

Right I have not been writing much poetry these few days or weeks even,.... this is because i am kinda taking a break from writing for awhile to edit up some of my poems. Currently I am trying to revert back into the older style of poetry whilst keeping the modernist pastiche from Plath and putting it into the sonnet form. Boxing up plath is like trying to maintain somewhat a sense of control over the poem and so i attempt to do that :P 

So i present to you another sonnet. 

Forgetfulness, the planks of wood hammered into the door,
Blotting out the words, bottling the air
Chemical chaos, chemical, chemical, split the word. 
Flat and the world is the empty line with no fill.
everyday simple, dreaming of daisies and straw hats
A single lightbulb lighting up. the clouds begin their stroll. 
Eyes they open
the flowers, all pink, yellow and green as their canvas.
paint up my mask, paint and tattoo deep into my skin 
the light strumming and the ring. 
darken my skin, a black hole that 
leaves no mercy. 
no hope. A hurricane hurling, whirling all blended. 
Drops of water begin to fall, come cool rain. 

Confused ? heehee work this one out yourself.   

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