05 septembre 2009

counting down the sunsets.

Today was My cousin's wedding... just a brief update, tomorrow I will be singing on stage, some song ... ain't gonna tell you ! haha yea hopefully i will be able to reach the key that i need to sing at because currently i am suffering STILL from some phlegm and a slight running nose. It is gonna stop i can feel it, But as you know every sickness that plagues me it will be very absolutely ridiculously severe, as in you will be sick for, several weeks running. Not really cool. Anyway apart from that I have 2 more posts before i reach UN CENT!!! it feels awesome that i have kept this blog up for 100 posts ! Life has not really been awesome, my prelims has not been awesome and there are only about 60+ days to A levels. YES YES i have whined about this before and well next week i am meeting a good friends to get it all out of my brain and just to help me push forward. Although I say that this is the last time I will see him but i bet i will ask him to meet me again. heehee... yea we all need friends that will be able to stand by us in difficulty and not make us panic even further.

Anyway not I am listening to christmas music, you may wonder .... huh ? christmas ? isnt that in December ???? yea it is and It is beautiful to listen to :D and then you wonder why we don't listen to it all the time. I know that it is not the season but it is just tooooo swell to not listen to it. Especially the slower ones that are just BEAUTIFUL ! you just sink into the melodious beauty and embrace the perfection for a moment. My favorite is still have your self a merry christmas, any singer can sing it and it is just perfect ! perhaps that is perfection ? Christmas :D which I would not mind ONE BIT ! everyday christmas woot woot. maybe you may think it is so stupid and naive. But i need it all to be happy and keep my bi polar symptoms from showing up. I cant wait, it is not the presents, but it is the happy faces and the lights and oh the atmosphere of cold outside but warm hearts inside just makes me smile :)

anyway in this period of slightly heightened self awareness, I will write a short poem.
I seldom give poems titles but this shall be called... missing you

The crush of my heart
the hawthorn and the snow falls
the beads blanketing us, warm and snug
the lamp is cold outside.
Candles are lit, as the people along the street walk
their umbrellas up, all black and in suits.
Colour my world, with the presents and all the lights
sonnets and the carols, pleasant. floating in the gothic world.

As the warmth comes
the dove flies from its master along with the raven.
roses, I brush them, the old moss covering them.
the sprigs of parsley and mint, they return to the ground
bud and bloom my plant, my sweet
love love love my season.

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