14 mai 2009

In love or out of Love... Cupid's choice :P

Cupid... hmmmm so he recently, or not so recently shot, a perfect bullseye into my friend's heart and so, she the lovebird that she is is floundering in the poison of Love. she is so light headed that she is unbelievably obsessed by this lover of hers. So in congratulating her I shall compose a poem in her honor... don't chide me hahahaha !! 

The end of the day 
is it really over, has my song been sung, my love 
My sweeeet, Darling. 

The sun bathes us 
and elated, floating like balloons 
but no words are exchanged. 
This sunset expression in his eyes. 

They cover up my imperfections
this white embrace
This sickness, a loving feeling 
which I long for 
Am impatient for it.

His presence 
shadows me, his voice, a musing in my ears 
as I stand there 
like a 3 year old, amazed at the beauty of his speech.  

Floundering, searching for words 
the mess in my mind.
Cupid, is this really it ? 
can it really be? this montage in my head. a painting, a mash of colour 
and in it all I see is the blurring of sense. 

emotion and logic

Words, spoken 
are kept, safe in my head, the cheesy lines 
the passing remarks, every nitty gritty  
All love letters. 

Nothing to hold on 
and as i fall 
he picks me up and catches me 

my words, his words entangled 
my self composed fairy tale. spinning spinning till dizzy.  

I can only wish 
he was here, beside me, all alone to myself 
my cake, my lovely, I live 
I love. let me, let us float, float far away in love. 

erm reader .... please forgive the pitiful state of my poetry. I have hardly any substantial inspiration. But I think It is nice, not great but nice.  

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