12 mai 2009

ok.... i shall push myself off the cliff

here goes... the grand finale to the entire Lolita saga or at least that is what i shall attempt with great in-trepidation. I have spoken written and composed about this mysterious character of Lolita. So who the devil is this deamon who possesses this man to write in such riddles and rhyme. That the sole purpose of it is to confuse and dement himself into a squirming creature bound by obsession. 

Well I shall tell you... and no i am not afraid to die. The gods have granted me safe passage through life and therefore i tread thin ice with no worries. Openly declare who she is. 

Ah but you think i will give it to you... easily. Like that. I am sorry to dash your hopes, or what pre existing thoughts you had but I will deliver my message cleanly through a poem. no riddles, everything as it is, purely descriptive. 

The door closes behind me 
The gates, and it is all locked 
locked and the key, it thrown away into the 
hollow of my heart. 

my heart is hollowed out for you 
yes you, the indolent, stubborn fist, pressing 
insistently for a breakthrough 
and so I give in. 

Strip away the masks and all 
all strip, till I naked as the sky appear
and the darkness is all that i can hear 
the voices the voices. 

and the lady which tempts my soul 
she has no name 
she has no being 
just a image, superficial and shallow. 

entranced by her spell 
the flowers and the pink, along with the overtly happy trot 
through the hallways 
the hair a bundle to the side 

is this not a give away 

O fool you may mock 
the disillusioned bastard, perverse in all his manners 
but no, gentlewomen of the jury 
do not judge too quickly 

For it is her that is the culprit 
the crone, the witch, her standing there 
as a poignant figure 

unhappy, and i unattached to the situation
die, and fade away away from the situation around 
it is over long o'er 
the people shout and accuse, fine, put me to the stake 

I am not worthy 
there is no point in continuing the case. it is long over... over ...over !

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