13 mai 2009

moving on to greater heights ... or so i'ld like to believe

Rugby is not just a game... yes you may disagree with me but Rugby is really ... to me to best sport on the planet. But wait you may say... hey continue with the Lolita thing... We loved the mystery and the scandal behind it all. I am sorry to all who have followed on because of the Lolita trend and purleese... stop whining over it already... it is OVER! Over ! there is no more to it... however it has just started in school. Whoopie . 

Now onto greater things... or so i'ld like to believe. 

I know who reads my blog. yes you, no you ... don't look anywhere else it is YOU 
I know who you are... i do not require your inference and you misdeed in my place of education 
I know that i have offered myself to the dogs but the destruction wrecked upon my Lolita is really not worth it. So here you really want to know. No i will just tell you in the face because it is no longer a part of me anymore. I have cut myself away from it, so no matter how it plays out it is ALL OVER already before it began. 

Ok here goes, however I require you, the reader to think a bit more just a tiny bit more to figure this out

eey koes gno asiuol

yes she is my Lolita. ok... it is bloody sickening. here here . TAKE IT ALL. I cant give a rats ass anymore.

ARGH I AM FURIOUS!!!!!! I have no mood to continue. (descend into tears) 

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