30 mars 2009

argh what have i done... spilled milk ?

so the phrase goes ... no point crying over spilt milk .... hmmm spilt milk ? why spilt milk ??? why not orange juice ? oh well. i have always wondered ...  the mistakes that we commit ... 


i have chosen and decided a while ago that how i act shall determine me and no one but I am allowed to dictate my life. Yes it may seem that i am a narcissist. To hell with it ! 

you may be a bloody critic and damn my life for eternity and condemn me as a self righteous bastard, and i am sorry really for you ... because you are actually reading my thoughts. i pity you, reader that you have little to do but to blog hop (i trust you will not really want to bookmark my blog). 

mistakes govern our lives, yes yes the pessimist is speaking ... but it is true, ok tell me which mistake did not change your life ? ok fine maybe some did not but ... ok ok fine i will give you the consolation of being a perfect being and you have no mistakes at all. 

so there is no point crying over spilt milk... although it is quite tempting to lick it all up from the table and be a barbarian about it. but please please. no point crying over it. it is just sad and uninteresting. i know i am trying to dictate life, but let the unpredictable happen 

because the unpredictable is fun, though torturing at times. nonetheless let life take you... wherever and let loose and join in my bohemian revolution. Freedom of arts freedom of it all! all that restrains you let it loose. please do not mistake me for saying be loose in morals, but no Freedom of your own life is what you dictate, so dictate what you are! you slouch define yourself. like i am defining myself. well sort of. ahhh heck... Freedom, Liberalism unleash like a disease. go and sieze your kingdom ... today ! yay !  

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