04 avril 2009

macaroni and ... cheese ?

oh ... the title has no relation to the rest of the post. 

apart from the fact that I am craving for that right now ! 

Well here I am... speaking to my Lola, and blogging. Today's blog will not be about me. This is because I think you want to hear bout something else. So here goes, Well my friend has a lady (WJM) and you probably will not know about their relationship so I have decided (with his permission) that I would write a poem about their hilarious relationship. 

here Goes... I will remember to get a mac and cheese after this post. 

No myth, only fact 
yes fact, unbelievable and even one which was completely unexpected. 

Out of the scarlet 
the bleu rose blossoms 
and shadows the virgin flower, picked by another cupid 

their perilous journey 
treading on thin ice, others look upon 
that decision the ribbon which binds the two hearts as one. 
careful making the scene as a common
theater, riff raff attending. 

A monstrosity of words 
hyperbolic language- an exchange 
really ridiculous and creating epic myth 
which render the reader asleep. 

they lie in the wait of the next wake.
No ideal, only a savage love. 
let their violent attraction drive their actions 
puppets to the wind. 

the coloured wind 
colours their unenlightened, repressed souls 
let the howling wolf 
paint their love, on the forest firs. 

The two run through the forest 
as time passes 
lost in the spring, summer, autumn
winter, blessing and 
that warm embrace of the two.


together,warmth, heat, passion, 
how easy their ideal changes from delight to love in a 

A month passes 
the wake of it blowing off 
over a communion 
offered by a pope. 

italian, japanese,chinese 
gourmet food is common place
eliminate the unknowing mind 
bloody fool ! 

bubbling champagne 
melt the two into a glass a mix of liquid and bubble
memories never to be forgot 
the gods stand over with great in-trepidation 

and so they ignore the almighty one 
blended into accord the two cleave to each other 
beautiful poetry composed 
when the two harps play 
the messy love  
oblong and square 
the two inter-joined 
a puzzle they are. 

I pray you found that rather ... interesting. messy but interesting. So reader believe you me, I will continue posting bout me, it is just that i reall need sustinance now and i have already entertained you so... go climb a tree! Mac and cheese here i come ! 

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