07 avril 2009

I float above the storm... kissing the wind

surprise surprise ! I am back here again. I do this for my sanity and to keep my writing spirit up. 

and i really need coffee. I think I'll go get it after this blog post... hmmm i can already smell it wafting through the air ... arabica beans the smell of coffee is ... beautiful. Lost in the love for coffee.  zzzzz... oh whoops sorry, I live I live... carrying on with this post (though how lost and annoyed I am) 

Ah reader ! believe me, the lolita saga is pretty much over. But this gives you no reason further to neglect this blog and run off into the sunset. No no, even more you should stay, reader due to my ending of the lolita saga, it has resulted in a slightly more anti-social me. 

Yes I have somehow adopted the stance that I cannot stand the human race anymore. Which results in my closure from people. That my faithful audience is going to end, in great disaster. 
I am no longer surprised and shocked, i think i saw it coming so I shall leave it here first. 

on to poetry : scream scream 
no no poetry is my sanity my life and pretty much what i do for my recreation, apart from working for the mafia on a full scale,rubbing out people and burying them 6 feet below (oops! i think i said too much). Moving along here, I write a poem on the ending of the lolita saga and what is currently happening and affecting the writer i.e. Me. so sit back enjoy... 

on a side note I should try and read out all my poems one day and record them and post them up here, I think that would be fun ! hmmm soon soon. 

Pressing on ... enjoy, seriously I cant believe you are still reading this. 

oil and water 
the heart and soul. 

sonnets tell of her love 
I have heard them sung 
in church, in school, the choir wearing straight jackets. 

Flowers blossom in her wake 
goddess, nymph perfect - divine lady 

I suffer as Demeter 
As Hades prosper I loose her. 
I call on the Almighty 
there is no response 
I am speaking to the sky 
to the elements, 
all static, all immovable furniture in the house of the mother Gaia. 

Winter follows my temper 
the snow, cold, hatred and unfeeling 
Madness I shall drive into the man 
who curses me. 
Damn him Damn him ! 

Hades is no man 
he is a beast, perpetuates the mind of the innocent 
and yet they fall at his knees 
while my temple is desolate 
with the last few candles flickering out. 

Stained glass windows 
painted on with dust 
i refuse the sun to enter 
The rats are my friends. i can take this no more 
No more ! 

My tears, the rain that pours and washes the snow away 
no heat in them 
no love in my heart 
only hate hate and death. 

Tears grow into apples
The fruit of life  
the glad sword opens me 
slices deep into the core of my being and I reach that ecstacy 
that calls me to pour out 
a fountain 
of life and rebirth. 

Through the sword I live anew 
Hail ! the glorious dead ! 

Spring, unimportant 
the daemon still holds her sway.  

the pomegranate her curse 
the lost of love, my love, my lolita 
shattered into a million seeds. 
each birthing a tree. 

I mark it with red 
keep it away from the two lovers in the park. 

And it is then that i see her 
the serpent on the tree 
persephone, empowered, reborn 
queen of hell, daughter of life. A mismatch, a disaster ! 
throw her into the pits of Tartarus ! 
Make poseidon sink her ships 
the lord Zeus smite her ! smite her ! 

Hope, Pandoras box unleashed 
upon me 
that curse, cure 
madness inducing, fleeting heart, take me away 
back into olympia 
where I belong. 

Apples that lead me to life. 

Red shoe goes 
click click 
into my wonderland. lost in paradise. 

glorious obsession dissolved.

Ok ... i understand that the poems that i have come up with recently are rather sub standard. So please i beg the reader to be understanding. I am still somwhat studying and have not been living on the earth for long and at the same time i have just lost my muse, lolita. so please don't judge on what you see now but rather what you have seen and hopefully it will come back to get me. soon. ok ok i must get coffee now ... seriously before i zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz (too late) 

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