08 avril 2009

So ... I just have the urge to write ... the muse is over working !!!!

I think my muse is slightly irritated at me. I am overworking her, Yes it is a her surprise surprise... and no i do not know what she looks like. Nonetheless, she is rather frustrated that i am slave driving her to work for me. Well I think I am forgetting to feed her with inspirational essence, (god knows where that comes from). Love somewhat short circuits the inspiration thing and quickens the muse to work, something like coffee for the muse, expresso. And so my muse is bored and tormenting me. kinda. Anyway, I am writing this in response to many things, friends, school, (my muse really wants coffee-no no !!! ) and family. 

Yes i seldom talk bout family, so here goes, I need to get out, but at the same time i cannot live without the provision of my family. I am in a dilemma, lost and unsure if i should just take the plunge. Ah heck it, soon soon I will trot away free from this place. I have become somewhat of a stranger in my own home, I am hardly at home, mostly in school and out. nearly non existent at home. No really, I and my parents now hardly speak, oh trust me but we do speak on the dullest of subjects, like how was school and all that courtesy nonsense. I hate it and hopefully it does not turn into a mad thing where i become resentful against my parents. No no I pray it will not descend to such depths. I still respect them as my parents but it just sometimes get frustrating when you live under the same roof but you seem to now hardly know them. 

Onto school, Apparently my second home, all i need to do is just sleep there and transfer my library there and voila it officially can become my home. However it is also where tremulous moments are made. I will not speak of them for you already probably know the story head to tail. ( Muse ! Stop, i Will feed you afterwards ! go sit aside first!) Ok back to the story, Ok i am really really annoyed with the fact that a project that we are doing is reduced to 4 pieces of white paper! Seriously !!! And the project is supposed to spark creativity and we reduce it to 


I hate it, seriously, It is absolutely unacceptable for me, for others that are bloody lazy i can understand but I refuse yes I REFUSE to just reduce my ideas to paper and pen. Also for other subjects which I take (shall not tell you which) Nonetheless, people are just cramming for my opinion. IRRITATING! I hate it when people clammer for my opinion, seriously ! WHERE THE F*** IS YOUR BRAIN ??? i guess they just left it in their car. absolutely sick and stupid. 

Finally, seriously friend ... get a life. No no, don't diss me aside. I don't think it is my place to say much but i will say my 2 cents worth. Studies, crap it through, we are all under this curse of knowledge, it is sick and stupid but it is our burden. Tracy, Sharon .... hmm seriously they are busy, you are busy, it is commonplace ok... And finally the playboy issue ...Seriously ? playboy you ? erm ... i don't really see that side, at all.... ever, through those 7 years... not a drop of casanovaness (if there is such a word). So I don't see how poly will be a problem. I shall try to be kind to you, You apparently are more ... friendly than I can ever be so don't just try and get all the girls, and quickly try and find a girl. No no ...PLEASE I BEG YOU don't ... just let things play its game. Really it will somehow all work out. really. 

Ahhh... finally I sort of ended my rant. 

Ok now i shall entertain my muse, she is calling, annoying as hell. Emotion is indeed getting in my way. Coming coming ! 


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