11 avril 2009

must... have ... coffee...

As you can see I am suffering from coffee withdrawal. No it is not because Singapore does not serve coffee, it is just that the coffee is not quality coffee. So it has become apparent that i require external supplements to stay alive and stall my own sleep deprived state of mind. 

Now onto more, I am still carrying the lolita virus, it has partially affected my mind. Also today is the first day that my muse is completely in power. It has been fruitful, and i feel more in control of myself surprisingly. however this is only the first day so ... much more is to come. 

So why have i been blogging ? and always at the end of my blog i leave a piece of poetry ... ? 
I really don't know. When I do I'll get back to you.

Oh !!! and I got an A for PW.  I really am happy but at the same time I really somehow seem not to care anymore. It is like as though i have decided that how good i score is no longer a gauge for me anymore. Study though it gets you far in life I have realized that it is no real yardstick to how good one really is or can be. I pray my prejudices do not slip in. 

I really intend to read out my poems and record them really soon probably after this then i will post again to post it all up. Quite genius is'nt it... 

I am reading Ulysses right now by James Joyce, It is Confusing as hell... not even halfway through and i am already lost. I probably have to restart ... really sickening... slap slap ! Oh and today is good friday ... errr ya ... don;t really know my point but ya it is good friday.   

Ok here is a poem, i don't care anymore. 

Lights, the light of day 
the fray, little stars in the sky 
jewels of the heavens 
tell the sun of your beauty 

walk the cold winters 
tread lightly lest you awake the man 
who sits beneath the fir trees. 

My mind darts back and forth 
like a train from Chatsworth to London
confusion breeds 
the mixed signals sent, emails. 

foolish, natured written on paper IQ
writing with a fountain pen, 
ink all o'er the place 

Beauty of the sun 
displayed in heacate 
Beltane approaches 
the season of love 

The two great lights dance as we on the earth 
prance to the mighty drums of Earth's hollow 
The Holly and Oak 
mighty and exalted above us all. 

we dance 
till lost in the sound of the rhythm 
the two doves meet 
the swans them bowed to each other. 

Floundering in madness 
the opening of a Merlot 1982 chateau de france
pour into the glass 
the rest offer to heaven. 

smash on the ground 
and open to sky and earth 
merge the two into one. 
the red dew on the green. 

roses bloom 
beauty surpassed 
picked and thrown into the fire 
charred and trampled upon. 

cold and dark 
the light i stand under flickers 
the lamp post hinges on going out 
desolate, quiet, on the stony road

I wait I wait 
my beating heart still 
the screaming silence 
and I am there in the ward 

abused and stricken 
disease bound 
no surgeon can cure 
yet they cut me up 

Slice and dice 
the butcher shop 
tearing open 
my festering body 

what a mess they make 
they are dogs 
they work for Hitler 
for Nero, and i try to hide beneath the green curtain. 

But still they find it 
and rip it out of its place 
and put a system in me 

I am no more the man 
no more the product of the earth 
the dust has settled and I rise 
a cyborg 

Mix of man and god 
soil and metal 
let the farmer's sharp sickle slice through the wheat 
pluck and let live 

empowered but hardened 
warm cold 
heart still beating 

in your fist
in your open hand
there there I stand 
a rock in the fire. 


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