09 avril 2009

ma belle...

Bonjour to all... lords ladies welcome all... due to the fact that i am studying Literature I need to somehow have this innate ability to use the romance languages, German, French, Spanish,Latin whatever ... So I have decided to use a little French in my blog. 

Lassie aller... right, so I am annoyed. I have just finished watching the importance of being earnest. However there is a more pressing issue... My muse desires my lolita... horrid because i am afraid of saying anything to my lolita. Only hi, bye and nothing more than the superficial words that pass our lips. This poem would better express it.

Muse and Lolita 
I love and yet fear the consequence 
I have not given up 
the sickness which bothers my heart 

light bulbs of my mind flicker 
running low on her presence 
inspiration closes her door on me 
the accursed one 

The organ blows deep 
rings through Transylvania. 
And they barge in 
wearing their cruxes and bearing offerings of garlic. 

They pin me to the ground
tie me to the stake and try to kill 
Kill an undead ?!

Logic is lost 
let my muse take over 
I relinquish altogether 
Assassinate the Czar. 

My shadow diminish and enlarge 
What does it matter 
of no importance ! 
only my muse knows. 

So i offer it all, 
to my emotion 
no more to my logic 
for my muse has overpowered me, become dominant. 

My reflection 
once pure 
Muddy and choked. 
only darkness surrounds me 

Let me be exposed to the elements 
naked and bare 
I take on the responsibility as Lear 
Singe my white head ! 

Let me be Lear 
free and mad 
this torture is murderous 
black and dark, Gothic. 

I refuse to accept a dogma 
i cannot be bound by strictures 
all of them point their pharisaical fingers 
and condemn me 
stone me
to death. 

Muse Lolita 
continue in struggle
for i shall resolve the issue 
i shall tell her ...soon. 

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