05 avril 2009

so you wanna challenge me ?!

HUMPH !  so dare to challenge me ? me ?! absolutely DISGUSTING !!!

fie upon you 

here begins the poem : 

So dawns the prehistoric age
the beast roams the land 
stares into the water 
the narcissistic creature. 

and so he boasts against 
the writer. 
absolutely awful and distasteful and plague

And so he talks 
and speaks proudly announcing his 
finger prowess 

to imagine that 
a beast a creature 
reaching an ecstacy 
unknown off, an obscene connection. 

evolution, Darwin's origin of species 

a scientific truth 
in the mind of a warrior 
is useless 

he is only to be left there a corpse of his own 
own dead body 
so he pulls his anger and strikes 
in vain 

against a hard wall he breaks a finger or two 
a ridiculous relationship 
him and the wall.

so the writer laughs 
and scoffs the poor soul 

and so now he searches 
for truth in what remains of his heart 
to find 
love ? or loss? 
nothing left but a three fingered salute to the glorious dead. 

so you think I can't one up you ? 

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